Personalised Christmas Sacks & Stockings for Kids
With Christmas Eve approaching it's time to make sure everything is prepared for the big day. Whether you like to hang your stockings up in a row or leave a Christmas sack at the end of your bed, we've got Christmas Eve covered! Our beautiful range of traditional personalised Christmas stockings and Santa sacks for children will leave Santa in no doubt which present belongs to who!
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Hopefully your children will have made it onto Santa's nice list this year! If so you will no doubt be hanging out stockings or Christmas sacks this Christmas Eve. This year why not treat the kids to one of our fabulous bespoke personalised Christmas sacks? With a delightful range of festive designs aimed at babies and children you can be sure that this will just add to the Christmas magic.
Most of us who celebrate Christmas enjoy the ritual of hanging out a Christmas sacks or stockings for Santa to fill with goodies; but do you know where the origins of this tradition lie?
The most cited, centuries-old legend involves a story of a recently widowed father of three beautiful daughters. The story goes that the father feared his daughters would not attract husbands due to their impoverished position and this played heavily on his mind. The local village folk were discussing his plight when they were overheard by Saint Nicholas. The legend continues with good St Nick taking pity on the poor family and so while they were asleep he dropped gold coins down their chimney. The daughters’ newly laundered stockings happened to be drying near the fire and of course the coins landed directly in them and behold the Christmas stocking was born. In the morning the now-eligible daughters were overjoyed with their newfound wealth and undoubtedly all lived happily ever after.
No one knows exactly where this story hails from but it certainly sums up the Christmas spirit and importance of charity at this time of year. The Christmas stocking has remained a steadfast tradition throughout the world at Christmas time, except now you can choose from a huge range of personalised Christmas sacks and traditional personalised Christmas stockings to hang up in anticipation each Christmas Eve. You can also follow more old Christmas traditions with a baby advent calendar or begin your own new tradition with a personalised christmas eve box